Parse tree of the phrase 'The Riddle of Literary Quality'

Academic homepage of Andreas van Cranenburgh

I am an assistant professor in digital humanities and information sciences at the University of Groningen and a member of the CLCG computational linguistics group. Previously I was a postdoc at Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf in the Beyond CFG project, and a PhD candidate in the project The Riddle of Literary Quality. My research areas are computational linguistics and computational humanities, with a particular focus on literature and coreference.

Code: and
Profiles: Google Scholar; Semantic Scholar; ACL Anthology; DBLP; ORCiD.


Peer reviewed publications (bibtex)

Andreas van Cranenburgh, Laura Allen, Serge Sharoff, Karina van Dalen-Oskam (2024).
Computational methods for the analysis of fiction genres.
In: Multidisciplinary Views on Discourse Genre, edited by Stukker, Ninke, et al., Routledge, pp. 135--167. (code)

Andreas van Cranenburgh (2024).
Dutch Strong and Weak Pronouns as a Stylistic Marker of Literariness.
In: Digital Stylistics in Romance Studies and Beyond, edited by Hesselbach, Robert, et al., Heidelberg University Publishing, pp. 217–234. (code)

Frank Tsiwah, Anas Mayya, and Andreas van Cranenburgh (2024).
Semantic-based NLP techniques discriminate schizophrenia and Wernicke's aphasia based on spontaneous speech.
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Resources and ProcessIng of linguistic, para-linguistic and extra-linguistic Data from people with various forms of cognitive/psychiatric/developmental impairments @LREC-COLING 2024, pages 1–8.

Andre Wolters, Andreas van Cranenburgh (2024).
Historical Dutch Spelling Normalization with Pretrained Language Models.
Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal, vol. 13, pp. 147--171. (code)

Antonio Toral, Andreas van Cranenburgh, Tia Nutters (2024).
Literary-adapted machine translation in a well-resourced language pair: Explorations with More Data and Wider Contexts.
In: Computer-Assisted Literary Translation, edited By Andrew Rothwell, Andy Way, Roy Youdale. Routledge.

Joris van Zundert, Andreas van Cranenburgh, Roel Smeets (2023). Putting Dutchcoref to the Test: Character Detection and Gender Dynamics in Contemporary Dutch Novels.
Computational Humanities Research conference, pp. 757-771.

Noa Visser Solissa, Andreas van Cranenburgh (2023).
A Distant Reading of Gender Bias in Dutch Literary Prizes.
Digital Humanities Benelux journal, vol. 5.

Andreas van Cranenburgh, Frank van den Berg (2023).
Direct Speech Quote Attribution for Dutch Literature.
Proceedings of LaTeCH-CLfL, pp. 45--62.

Andreas van Cranenburgh, Gertjan van Noord (2022).
OpenBoek: A Corpus of Literary Coreference and Entities with an Exploration of Historical Spelling Normalization.
Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal, vol. 12, pp. 235--251. (data)

Andreas van Cranenburgh, Erik Ketzan (2021).
Stylometric Literariness Classification: the Case of Stephen King.
Proceedings of LaTeCH-CLfL, pp. 189--197. (code)

Andreas van Cranenburgh, Esther Ploeger, Frank van den Berg, Remi Thüss (2021).
A Hybrid Rule-Based and Neural Coreference Resolution System with an Evaluation on Dutch Literature.
Proceedings of CRAC workshop, pp. 47--56. (code/models)

Severi Luoto and Andreas van Cranenburgh (2021).
Psycholinguistic dataset on language use in 1145 novels published in English and Dutch.
Data in Brief, 34,

Corbèn Poot, Andreas van Cranenburgh (2020).
A Benchmark of Rule-Based and Neural Coreference Resolution in Dutch Novels and News.
Proceedings of CRAC workshop, pp. 79--90. (models, slides)

Andreas van Cranenburgh, Corina Koolen (2020).
Results of a Single Blind Literary Taste Test with Short Anonymized Novel Fragments.
Proceedings of LaTeCH-CLfL, pp. 121--126. (code, poster)

Wietse de Vries, Andreas van Cranenburgh, Malvina Nissim (2020).
What's so special about BERT's layers? A closer look at the NLP pipeline in monolingual and multilingual models.
Findings of EMNLP, pp. 4339--4350. (code)

Stephan Tulkens, Andreas van Cranenburgh (2020).
Embarrassingly Simple Unsupervised Aspect Extraction.
Proceedings of ACL, pp. 3182-3187. (code)

Andreas van Cranenburgh (2020).
An Empirical Evaluation of Sentiment Analysis on Movie Scripts.
DH Benelux 2020. (slides)

Corina Koolen, Karina van Dalen-Oskam, Andreas van Cranenburgh, Erica Nagelhout (2020).
Literary quality in the eye of the Dutch reader: The National Reader Survey.
Poetics, vol. 79,

Andreas van Cranenburgh (2019).
A Dutch coreference resolution system with an evaluation on literary fiction.
Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal, vol. 9, pp. 27-54. (code; errata)

Andreas van Cranenburgh, Corina Koolen (2019).
The Literary Pepsi Challenge: intrinsic and extrinsic factors in judging literary quality.
Digital Humanities 2019, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 9-12 July.

Andreas van Cranenburgh, Karina van Dalen-Oskam, Joris van Zundert (2019).
Vector space explorations of literary language.
Language Resources & Evaluation. vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 625-650 (code)

Tatiana Bladier, Andreas van Cranenburgh, Kilian Evang, Laura Kallmeyer, Robin Möllemann, Rainer Osswald (2018).
RRGbank: a Role and Reference Grammar Corpus of Syntactic Structures Extracted from the Penn Treebank.
Proceedings of Treebanks and Linguistic Theories, pp. 5-16.

Andreas van Cranenburgh (2018).
Cliche expressions in literary and genre novels.
Proceedings of LaTeCH-CLfL workshop. (code)

Andreas van Cranenburgh (2018).
Active DOP: A constituency treebank annotation tool with online learning.
Proceedings of COLING 2018 demonstrations track. (code)

Tatiana Bladier, Andreas van Cranenburgh, Younes Samih, Laura Kallmeyer (2018).
German and French Neural Supertagging Experiments for LTAG Parsing.
ACL 2018 student research workshop.

Corina Koolen, Andreas van Cranenburgh (2018).
Blue eyes and porcelain cheeks: Computational extraction of physical descriptions from Dutch chick lit and literary novels.
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 59–71.

Corina Koolen, Andreas van Cranenburgh (2017).
These are not the Stereotypes You are Looking For: Bias and Fairness in Authorial Gender Attribution.
Proceedings of the First Ethics in NLP workshop, pp. 12-22. (notebook)

Andreas van Cranenburgh, Rens Bod (2017).
A Data-Oriented Model of Literary Language.
Proceedings of EACL, pp. 1228-1238. (code; slides; Q&A)

Andreas van Cranenburgh, Remko Scha, Rens Bod (2016).
Data-Oriented Parsing with Discontinuous Constituents and Function Tags.
Journal of Language Modelling, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 57-111. (code; grammars)

Kim Jautze, Andreas van Cranenburgh, Corina Koolen (2016).
Topic Modeling Literary Quality.
Digital Humanities 2016, Krakow, Poland, 11-16 July.

Andreas van Cranenburgh (2016).
Machine Learning Literature using Textual Features.
Tiny Transactions on Computer Science, vol. 4.

Andreas van Cranenburgh, Corina Koolen (2015).
Identifying Literary Novels with Bigrams.
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature, pp. 58-67. (poster)

Federico Sangati, Andreas van Cranenburgh (2015).
Multiword Expression Identification with Recurring Tree Fragments and Association Measures.
Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Multiword Expressions, pp. 10-18. (slides)

Andreas van Cranenburgh (2014).
Extraction of Phrase-Structure Fragments with a Linear Average Time Tree Kernel.
Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal, vol. 4, pp. 3-16.

Dirk Roorda, Gino Kalkman, Martijn Naaijer, Andreas van Cranenburgh (2014).
LAF-Fabric: a data analysis tool for Linguistic Annotation Framework with an application to the Hebrew Bible.
Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal, vol. 4, pp. 105-120.

Andreas van Cranenburgh, Rens Bod (2013).
Discontinuous Parsing with an Efficient and Accurate DOP Model.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parsing Technologies, Nara, Japan, 27-29 November. (slides; code; notes).

Kim Jautze, Corina Koolen, Andreas van Cranenburgh, Hayco de Jong (2013).
From high heels to weed attics: a syntactic investigation of chick lit and literature.
Proceedings of the Computational Linguistics for Literature workshop, Atlanta, Georgia, June 14. (slides)

Andreas van Cranenburgh (2012).
Literary authorship attribution with phrase-structure fragments.
Proceedings of the Computational Linguistics for Literature workshop, pp. 59-63. (code, slides, revised paper—includes results on Federalist papers).

Andreas van Cranenburgh (2012).
Efficient parsing with linear context-free rewriting systems.
Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), Avignon, France, April 23–27. (poster, errata, corrected version, code).

Maria Aloni, Andreas van Cranenburgh, Raquel Fernández, Marta Sznajder (2012).
Building a Corpus of Indefinite Uses Annotated with Fine-grained Semantic Functions.
The eighth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Istanbul, Turkey, May 23–25. (corpus)

Andreas van Cranenburgh, Remko Scha, Federico Sangati (2011).
Discontinuous Data-Oriented Parsing: A mildly context-sensitive all-fragments grammar.
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages (SPMRL), pages 34–44, Dublin, Ireland, October 6. (slides, template for slides, code).

Andreas van Cranenburgh, Galit Sassoon, Raquel Fernández (2010).
Invented antonyms: Esperanto as a semantic lab.
Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics (IATL 26).


Wietse de Vries, Andreas van Cranenburgh, Arianna Bisazza, Tommaso Caselli, Gertjan van Noord, Malvina Nissim (2019).
BERTje: A Dutch BERT Model.
arXiv preprint 1912.09582.

Andreas van Cranenburgh (2012).
Extracting tree fragments in linear average time.
ILLC technical report.



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